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Development and reform commission (NDRC), the fuel tax reform plan released soon
National Development and Reform Commission Zhang Ping said yesterday , the 26th , the State Council executive meeting discussed the issue of the fuel tax reform. " The general requirements of the fuel tax reform is ’ fair , standardized , saving , reducing the burden ’ fair , is to reflect the future will be more oil and more affordable principle ; . Specification is past all kinds of charges or the highway , waterway conservation, management costs into fuel consumption tax , which is to change the tax charge will be more and more oil taxes - .. we hope that through such measures can contribute to reducing the burden of saving fuel is in the current level of international and domestic oil prices , the implementation of after the tax burden on all aspects of the reform is to reduce , because in our reform program , the total amount of taxes and fees are balanced, but now this price level, the tax reform process will reduce the burden on everyone , because now really low international oil prices than domestic . "

According to Zhang Ping , the State Council executive meeting of the Development and Reform Commission jointly with relevant departments of the proposed tax reform plan were discussed , proposed some amendments, the NDRC is currently working with the authorities to revise and improve the program , will be revised and improved as soon as possible after land to the public, to listen to public opinion

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